White Plate Racing Association is eager to report the
pre-enrolment of Mr Jared Mees, the main situated proficient racer in America
at the current year's "Pappy Hoel Classic" half mile race. This
renowned occasion commences The Sturgis Rally with big time Professional
dashing on Monday, August eighth at the Meade County Fairgrounds. Where #1 goes,
so too does a large number of the top racers in the country. Tuesday, August
ninth is a marvellous Vintage dashing system with top nearby and National
racers. The Tuesday Vintage system is balanced with the twentieth Century racing
board trackers from the 1920's and 1930's. An extraordinary class has been
included for Roland Sands and The Hooligans on the Tuesday program.
All and this year's race turned out to be the greatest
and quickest in Sturgis history. Entryways open at 10 AM both Monday, August
eighth (Professional Race) and Tuesday, August ninth (Vintage Race) with
general confirmation of $20. For more data or specifics contact race
facilitator Coe D. Meyer at Gympie Vintage Cycle.
Last year 2015 Pappy Hoel Half
Mile Classic Race..